Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Internet Searches

You would think that I would learn not to listen to it, but occasionally morbid curiosity gets the better of me. Or really, it sneaks up and grabs me from beneath my bed.

Take third degree burns for example. They are horrific in the best sense and downright nightmare inducing in the worst. Yet here I find myself typing "third degree burns" into the Google Images search field. What was I thinking? Needless to say after a page or two of the kinds of pictures that turned up I was feeling equal measures of pity and horror, but also a kind of sick fascination.

And I know I am not alone in that sentiment. It was what made hangings the number one spectator sport over centuries of human history. Executions have since been granted a bit more dignity in these modern days, but the progression of history has not put a damper on humanity's obsession with death and horrific scenes.

It is this curiosity that leads people to compile clips and videos of terrible sports accidents and injuries. Complete with slow motion play back that allows the viewer to witness the sudden savage dislocation of a knee, the catastrophic impact of a raging bull on a human body, and football players getting their faces smashed in, legs broken, and eyes gouged. And it is called entertainment!

For proof I will research...gasp!
...A word to the wise...don't get lost in Youtube. It is entirely too easy.

Current music: the thunderstorm brewing outside.

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