Friday, June 4, 2010

On the oil spill (and Teddy Grahams)

Current Music Playing: "Carry on My Wayward Son" by Kansas

Well it looks like they may have done it. After a solid month of failures it looks like BP may be on the road to fixing this disaster. Finally! I was beginning to worry that the spill was going to gush forever and poison everything...well not that it hasn't done more than enough damage already. I am crossing my fingers AND toes in the hope that the oil will stay out of the gulf current and New Smyrna Beach stays clean. If not, my family reunion this summer is going to be depressing.

On another note, I do not think that all the flack BP is getting over this is entirely fair. The responsibility for the failure to monitor the safety warnings on the Deepwater rig rides solely on the engineers who were on the rig and ignored the warnings. Perhaps it was poor policy that led to the explosion, and that would be BP's fault, but I think they should be cut at least a little slack here. What they are trying to fix is unprecedented, and there is no established plan to solve this kind of issue. I think they should be applauded in their efforts to fix this wholly unexpected event.

On the completely other side of the universe...I love teddy grahams. They are so fun to eat. I think I now understand why cat's play with their food. It is just so much fun. Especially when you bite off their heads.

Current music: "The Circle of Life" from The Lion King

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